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Is Internetinfo power? Critical thoughts …

In the 20th century, the aphorism was popular: “Knowledge is power”, by increasing the scale and paradigm of the 21st century, any information becomes power, deepening media and digital literacy, especially of young people, creating public opinion, developing reading skills and creating media content, inspiring young people / leaders public opinion to co-authorship of the media and the development of critical thinking. The ability to be critical of one’s own facts, one’s own priorities, enhances the dialogue of culture, predicting the results of discussions. Critical thinking is the ability not only to eat information, but to process it, analyze it, form your own attitude towards it and make informed decisions. The basic model of technology for the development of critical thinking, three stages: the first stage is a challenge. the second stage is comprehension. the third stage is reflection.

What makes critical thinking impossible: intellectual laziness, arrogance, lack of respect for evidence, argumentation, They can form the so-called tunnel thinking, due to which a person does not notice anything that is happening outside the perimeter of this corridor. Taking a critical approach can help you avoid these pitfalls and teach you to think more effectively. Digital tools and what you can do in them – interactive, fast, exciting and new, offers to experience success, consolation-recognition, a sense of control, unexpected rewards, etc. stimulates the brain. Therefore, it is very easy for all of us (and, above all, children and young people, whose brains are still developing and very sensitive and receptive to changes), it is very easy to become addicted to the Internet.

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Critical Thinking Media programm has been officially launched on the 1st of February 2021

Critical Thinking Media programm has been developed specially for Russian speaking people of North Estonia (Harjumaa and Ida-Virumaa country) to develop young people’s and local community leader`s (difference age, intergenerational perspective) media reading and content creation skills by encouraging young people/local community representatives to be a media co-creators, to think critically about media content and their own media habits and organizing discussions on the role of the media as both stereotypes and breakers and by cooperating with local outlets and training young journalists/students to combat fake news and racism.

Main activities includes of the project is social media training and  social-political public discussions/debates on selected themes between invited experts, community leaders (different age) and local government representatives, young people and guest journalists. Continue reading Critical Thinking Media programm has been officially launched on the 1st of February 2021